
Friday, 29 November 2019

Harry potter the order of the phoenix Math

Today for math strand we got given a harry potter time table sheet. It had times on it next to the place and on the top was bus A bus B bus C and on the bottom was questions that we had to figure out with the time table I thought it was quiet easy because they were pretty easy questions.

How to crack a code

 Today for math we had to break a code. There were questions about the numbers and then we had to try and crack the code. But at the end we came up with 602 as our answer but then we looked again and there were many answers like 402. It was quiet hard because it was pretty confusing.

Monday, 25 November 2019

Math factor patterns

Last week my math group learnt about what factors where. If you don't know what factors are factors are what we can multiply to get that number. After we learnt about what factors where we got an factor sheet to fill out, There were different questions about factors like make a list of numbers from 1 to 20 and write all the factors for each of the numbers.. I found it quiet hard for me because some questions I didn't really get what it was trying to tell me.

Friday, 22 November 2019


Today my class learnt about kennings. A kenning is a poem that gives hints on what it is telling you. for example my class did animals because it was a little easier, So if I picked the animal ¨cat¨ I would have to make 2-8 sentences on what my animal is but on every sentence you have to start it with a A and end it with a er but you cant say what the thing is you have to write about what it does then other people have to guess what it is. 

At first It was queit hard because I didn't have any ideas but then I got loads. So here is my kenning poem about a cat.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Letter Art with Zentangle patterns

Every Wednesday Miss S teaches our class art, We learn about the types of art, colour, texture,line,form,shape,Value and space. But last week we did texture I'm pretty sure. We did a sheet that had things like rough, smooth, brick and some more things and we had to fill out what we think it was then we had to draw it. After we got to pick a letter off the alphabet and we got to decorate it with textures I choose H for my name.

It was kinda easy because you could decorate how ever you wanted.

Math strand time table

Today for math strand we are learning about the time. Our teacher put up a screen of a time table and questions. The time table had places on it and times beside it. there were questions like how long does it take to get to Espom to waterloo and that and we would look at the times and see how long it takes to get there. 

I found it easy because i am quiet good at time and they were quiet easy to figure out.

Monday, 11 November 2019

Surfing trip

Last friday The year 5 and 6 went on a amazing surfing trip to the beach. First we sat down and the people esplanade how the surf board works the parts of the surf board, how to go on the surf board and how to stand up. We also learnt the types of the waves and how to know how big they are, We also learnt how to use the boogie board.

Then we got into lines of our home rooms and we got told if we were seals or dolphins and I was in seals, And that determined what we would be doing first. So then we got given wet suits to put on I got a nice blue one. Then my class went first to go out into the beach. The seals witch I was in went surfing fist and the dolphins went boogie boarding.

Before going out surfing the people went over how to stand up on the surf board and were to but your feet and other important things you need to know about surfing, Then we got to go out in the water and surf. When I went in the water and surfed I didn't really stand up because I hadn't done surfing before but after I got the hang of it and it was really fun!. The one thing that I struggled with about surfing is holding it, its really hard because it is so big! We got around bout half an hour to surf then we went back to the base then it was another classes turn whlie my class ate.

Then we went to the beach and did a sand castle competition witch was so fun Me and my friends made a light house with the sea and people swimming and a big boat. Then my class went back to the water and did the thing we didn't do so I did boogie boarding ,and since i had done it allot It was very fun and on the last wave I was all the way in sea then I went rite up to the stairs.