This week we watched The Aotearoa history show part 4 Te Tiriti O Waitangi. So here are some facts they we learnt about new Zealand.
1. The Maori population in the late 1830's had dropped down to 70-80 thousand.
2. The reasons the Maori population went down was because of War and diseases.
3. The Te Tiriti O waitangi was neglected by Rats, buried in paper work dirt and other things and almost lost in a fire.
4. The British saw France as a threat because they wanted to colonise new Zealand.
5. Only 40 Rangatira people around the country signed the treaty.
6.The Maori and English treaty WEREN'T the same.
7.And lastly here are some things Maori used in war, Maori used under ground bunkers to protect there people. They used logs and barriers to stop them charging up
And there is 7 facts about Te Tiriti O waitangi did you learn anything from this?