How Polynesians Navigated across the sea
Would you be able to navigate across the ocean without a map? The polynesians way finders navigated the ocean. They used clouds , Stars,birds,waves or currents and the sun and the moon.
One of the ways to navigate was stars. The Polynesians used the stars to navigate across the ocean. They used the Southern cross(a thick star) at night to know where the South was.
Then in the day when they can't use the stars anymore they used the sun to navigate. They used the sun for direction In the morning and night. Because the Sun sets In the west and the Sun rises in the east, Which meant that they could Know if they were going the right way or not.
Another way was using clouds. One way to navigate with clouds was, Sometimes The clouds would Reflect Islands and Lagoons. Also A big group of clouds could be above a mountain or island.
So In conclusion The polynesians used clouds , Stars,birds,waves/currents and the sun and the moon to Navigate across the Ocean. Without using Maps , Compass etc.
So for Hur3 we talked about how Polynesians Navigated , Without compasses or maps .... We learnt what they used and how they used it.. Here are some things they used to navigate across the ocean , Clouds,Birds,sun,moon and more. Then we got told to make explanation writing about it . So this is my explanation writing