So last week we learnt about Political Decision-Making. Although I wasn't here last week I still tried my best to learn about this topic.
How do we select our government in a general Election?
Every person over the age of 18 that lives or is apart of new Zealand gets to cast 2 votes , 1 of who they want to represent them localy and 2 which party they want governing NZ.
How often are our General Elections?
Usually every 3 years
How do the steps we used to create our Class Treaty compare with the steps in passing a new law?
We went into groups and spread the workload.This is the same is in parliament.
.Other people checked our work and made changes. This is like a second reading of a Bill.
We then put our treaty into a formal format. Parliamentary Services does this.
We checked it out as a whole class. This is like the final reading in Parliament.
We all signed the Treaty. This is the same as Royal Assent (signed by the Governor-General.