I want to find out how to brew ginger beer.
Research :
The first video is about what is alcohol and the science behind that. The second one if how to brew kombucha and all the step by step instructions and all about it. And the second one explains the science of fermentation.
- Ginger (sauce of sugar)
- Warm water
- Yeast
- cup
- spoon
- wash your hands
- Get the equipment
- put one table spoon of ginger in the cup
- half fill the cup with warm water
- add one teaspoon of yeast
- Mix it all together
- Leave it too ferment for a week.
- After one week, drink it.
What is fermentation?
It is chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria( when yeasts, or other microorganisms breaks down sugar into alcohol.
what are the best conditions for brewing?
Normal ale fermentation temperatures range from 20 to 22 °C and lager fermentation temperatures from 7 to 13 °C.