
Friday, 29 May 2020

Interview with Hannah

Welcome back to my blog today we will be interviewing Hannah Scarlett about her journey during the lock down. Lets get started!

1. What did you do during the lock down?. 
Hannah's response:
 Worked on School work everyday, Played with her dog Cheeky, Painted bits of her house, went on walks around Hornby with her family, Went on google meets with her teacher and Class mates.

2. What did you like about Lock down?
Hannah's response:
Not having to get up early and going to school everyday for 7 and a half hours. Being able to go to bed at any time she wanted . Being able to play with her dog cheeky more.

3. What didn't you like during lock down?

Hannah's Response:
She hated Having to stay at home with her brother for  8 weeks. She also Hated Having her birthday during the lock down. She hated Not being able to see her friends or family during the lock down.

4. How did you feel at the beginning of lock down?

Hannah's Response:
 Happy to not go to school. Great,Fine,Fine,Excited.

5. How did you feel when you came back to school.
Hannah's Response:
Happy to see her friends and Family. Kinda sad because she had to get up earlier and not being able to play with her dog as much.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

How I feel about moving down to level 2 Acrosstic poem

So we got told to make a blog post about we feel about moving down to level 2. So I didn't want it to be boring so I made a acrostic poem about how I feel about moving down to level 2.  I hope you enjoy it and how do you feel about moving down to level 2?

Math Graphs

Here is some of the work I did this week. 

Fast rust Reading

 So the book that I chose to do for these activity's was Fast rust. The book was about about rust. About how long things take to rust , how rust forms and other interesting facts like that. I thought this book was pretty interesting. But I thought they could add another page of stuff about rust since there                       was only 4 pages but although I thought it was pretty interesting.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

My Math work Practises

Here are some of the things we had to learn to do our math tasks.  We had to know how to add decimals, how to add and subtract fractions and know how to multiply decimals.





Making Ends Meet

So for the past two weeks of school for Math we had a task to do about making ends meet so here are the types of things we had to do!

My block buster story

So this is my block buster adventure story right now . I haven't finished it yet but I only have the end to go. Its kinda hard to read but you can just click on the pictures and its easier to read
 What do you think will happen next?  

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Chamber of secretes New cover (Reading)

So this week I have been Reading the chamber of Secrets  Book my J.K Rowling. So For Reading we had to do the same thing as we did last week. What ever book we were Reading we had to do an activity about it. But we have to do a different book and activity this time 

So I This time I picked a different Activity from the list which was make a new cover for your book your reading on Canva. It didn't have much choices of backgrounds so that was the only good one. 

So yeah what do you think my My creation? 

Friday, 1 May 2020

Next blockbuster script story pt 1

So for writing we where told to make the next blockbuster movie script. We had a choice of doing Horror, Fantasy and action/Adventure. And I diced to do action/Adventure.
Then we had to write other words that mean the same word for example *Cool* you could put amazing and other words that mean cool.