I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 7 and in 2021 I will be a year 8. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
How to wash your hands animation
For Heath we are learning about our self personal hygiene.so we had to pick our theme and make a animation of how to do that.I thought it was kinda hard because you had to make loads of shapes to make this animation. But I thought it was very fun so here it is.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Arriving in New Zealand week one:in the Beginning (1800-1870)
One thing I learned about the man is that he found new Zealand over 700 years ago and that the first people that found new Zealand were Polynesia.and that Maori has there own language and traditions and culture.some other Maori stories were moan and the 7 sisters.
Friday, 23 November 2018
summer learning journey 2018 prize
this year we are doing the summer learning journey,The summer learning journey is a thing you do in the Christmas holidays.So if you don't do the summer learning journey in the holidays that means all the things that you learned in the year will all go away but if you do the summer learning journey you dont have to learn all the things you learned that year before again.
If I win the summer learning journey I would want anything unicorn,a big avocado plushy,massive massive squishes,slime,chocolate,robux from roblox

Thursday, 22 November 2018
Information report about weather
for writing we had to do a information about weather or Egypt pyramids.I piked the weather one because I learned more stuff about weather so I did the sun,rain,sleet,lightning and thunder.evry slide has a topic and a question about the weather and the answer.I thought It was kinda hard because you needed to know quiet a lot of things about that weather but here it is.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
kenning poem about animals
A snecky croller
A fast hunter
A creepy crawler
A insect hunter
A fast jumper
A creepy jumper
A web maker
A insected eater
A cute swisher
A nice helper
A amazing diver
A amazing swimmer
A rare swimmer
A smart diver
A intelligent diver
A magical creacher
A rainbow creacher
A candy eater
A rainbow pooper
A all-day creacher
A cute creature
A joy giver
A magical trotter
In writing with Mrs M'g we learnt about kenning poems.
They are an old Nordic style peom .They have 8 lines and always has a non
and word ending in "er" to make it a little more easy I tryed to do animals
that I new somethings about.I thort it was kinda hard because you write stuff
down but then all your ideas are gone I you have to finds some more things
about the animals.
They are an old Nordic style peom .They have 8 lines and always has a non
and word ending in "er" to make it a little more easy I tryed to do animals
that I new somethings about.I thort it was kinda hard because you write stuff
down but then all your ideas are gone I you have to finds some more things
about the animals.
How to brush your teeth health
In health we are self personal hygiene.so we had to make a animation about how to brush your teeth for our juniors.It took a long time to make so it was pretty hard to make.but the hardest thing for me was making the charters but here it is.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Would you Rather
In literacy we are doing Would you rather.We had a big sheet of would you rather and we had to do some would you rather on the sheet. and we had to pick witch one and why.I did would you rather Live in Narnia or live in Hogwarts. And would you rather be able to control the weather or be able to talk to animals here is my one.
comment witch one you would pick?
comment witch one you would pick?
Monday, 15 October 2018
Narratives,characters,question what you know about?
WALT:Ask questions before,during and after reading to agree to encourage with the text and making inferences.
what do you know about characters?
What do you know about narratives?
what do you know about question?
I think that characters are people that are in the film and they ant the main characters they only have a little film and they are just there for a bit.
I think that questions mean that you are asking someone things that you don't know or want to know kinda like...If you ask your friend how many pets do you have? that is a question.
I think that Narratives mean fiction and non fiction fiction means somethings that ant real and non fiction is something that is
please if there is more to these answer please tell me :)
Friday, 28 September 2018
Quality blog comment animation
For cyber smart we had to do a animation of how to make a quality blog comment I thought it was kinda easy because we already new how to make a quality blog comment but we had this for people to learn what it is here it is.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
learning how to do a chemical reations
This term I have been learning about chemical reations in the kitchen.
I really liked learning about a chemical reations and solids.
A chemical reation is when you put at two or more things and mix and you cant turn it back to what it was like if you put salt and water together the salt will dissolve and you cant get it back
I found it kinda challenging because it is kinda hart to kinda under stand at first but then you start to get it.
I really liked learning about a chemical reations and solids.
A chemical reation is when you put at two or more things and mix and you cant turn it back to what it was like if you put salt and water together the salt will dissolve and you cant get it back
I found it kinda challenging because it is kinda hart to kinda under stand at first but then you start to get it.
Friday, 14 September 2018
candler art
For calendar art this year we learned to how to blend colours with paint.I rely liked my calendar but it was kinda hard and kinda scary because if you messed up you don't get a second chance.first we sketched what pitcher we wanted to do in our drawing book then then we started painting to the top to the bottom it took a couple of days to paint because we had to wail for the paint to dry to do the details and stuff here it is!!!!
Friday, 31 August 2018
Maori weather words
For Maori we are talking about Maori words in weather.So we had to make a slide of Maori weather words in a group my group was Me Mikayla Ayla Keah and Eduara.I thought it was kinda hard because I did most of it and i'm not the best at Maori but I had my group to be there then we did it so here it is!.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
My Antholodge
For literacy and writing we are doing Anthologys. Anthologys are a collusion of different kinds of poems.my favorite kind of poem we have done is called acrostic poems they are easy but some can be hard and they are also fun and creative to make.Evry week we have a new poem we have to write.it is kinda hard when we are off track because you have to write a lot of poems but when you are on track it is pretty easy to do so here is my Antholgy hope you enjoy and it will make you into the sprite f you to write some poems.
Friday, 10 August 2018
making jelly Scientific Method
Friday, 3 August 2018
seasons of the year tree
For art we are we are learning the the seasons of the year so we had to make a tree with all the seasons on.I thought it was kinda hard because he had to colour ever white bit and we had to sketch it that wasn't that bad but I still thought it was very fun.
Friday, 15 June 2018
My pepeha
In Mari we are learning about our family Mari names.first we planed next we write it out and lastly we screencastify it and put it on a slide. I found it kinda challenging because it was hard to say the Mari names properly.
Friday, 8 June 2018
created school badge
For the past few weeks we are making new badges for our new school in Mr Breaches Literacy.So we made any kind of badge and printed them out and put them on the wall it was so fun then we made feedback of some of badges we made then we toke them down our badges and with the feedback we tried to make it better so here is my ones.
Friday, 25 May 2018
how I answered math question
We are learning place value so we got handed a question we had to answer And then do a screencastify of how we answered the question so here it is.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Making bird house's
This term in stem we have been learning how we are going to make birds to come to our school.First we planed our bird house in our book.Next we started to build our house's.After we keep on building and then it was ready.I found it hard because it was hard putting the screws in and planing some waterproof house's for the birds.But I found it very enjoyable because I liked panting it and I liked the finishing touch.I felt very happy that I did my goal and that I have a cool bird house for the birds.
Friday, 4 May 2018
power time make there day
Next week our focus is make t heir day so we have to think or how we are going to make someone day so i piked if some one is hurt i will help them like if they fall off the monkey bars i would stop and help them and when they fall of something or trips ill go to the teacher with them.
Friday, 13 April 2018
Athol’s Badge
This week for literacy we are learning about the war because it is almost ANZAC DAY we learned why do we were poppy's And how all the wars started and things like that be it was very interesting learning about the war.
Monday, 26 March 2018
Maui dolphins
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
Today we learnt more about sustainability and the pressures on the earth.We blew up a balloon to represent the earth.If we use a sustainable action we let air out. If we use a non-sustainable action we let air in to show the pressure on earth.My balloon was the some.It changed because i keep the tap running when I brush my teeth.one small thing i can do to help sustain our earth is to all ways turn my lite off.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
what is sustainability
This morning I learnt about what it means to be sustainable.A small change I can make to be more sustainable is to use less plastic bags.
Friday, 9 March 2018
Facts about the moon
I have been learning about Facts about the moon.We but down all the facts that we learned in the book.I fort it was easy because there was basically about 3 or 4 facts on every page.
The Secret tiny door
Friday, 2 March 2018
How to be safe with our Chromebook
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