
Tuesday 16 October 2018

Would you Rather

In literacy we are doing Would you rather.We had a big sheet of would you rather and we had to do some would you rather on the sheet. and we had to pick witch one and why.I did would you rather Live in Narnia or live in Hogwarts. And would you rather be able to control the weather or be able to talk to animals here is my one.

comment witch one you would pick?

Monday 15 October 2018

Narratives,characters,question what you know about?

WALT:Ask questions before,during and after reading to agree to encourage with the text and making inferences.

what do you know about characters? 

What do you know about narratives?

what do you know about question?

I think that characters are people that are in the film and they ant the main characters they only have a little film and they are just there for a bit.

I think that questions mean that you are asking someone things that you don't know or want to know kinda like...If you ask your friend how many pets do you have? that is a question.

I think that Narratives mean fiction and non fiction fiction means somethings that ant real and non fiction is something that is  

please if there is more to these answer please tell me :)